Why a Humidifier During The Winter Months 

Maybe dry skin and static cling are annoying during the winter months?
Here are only a few more reasons to consider a humidifier during the cold, dry season.

Heal faster: Whether it be a cold or allergies, a humidifier keeps your nasal passages lubricated, which helps speed up the healing process when you’re under the weather. For people with bad allergies, there are humidifiers that are specially designed to purify the air as well.

Fewer nosebleeds: Another reason keeping your nasal passages moist and lubricated is helpful in preventing nosebleeds. If you’re regularly experiencing nosebleeds due to your dry climate, it’s worth a try. Many people have found that it makes a big difference.

Support beautiful skin: Soothe dry skin by sleeping with a humidifier on through the night. In the morning, you’ll not only notice that your face looks suppler, and your hands and lips won’t feel dry and dehydrated either.

*The type of humidifier you choose depends on your preferences, budget, and the extent of the area in which you want to add moisture. There are five types of humidifiers:

  • central humidifiers
  • evaporators
  • impeller humidifiers
  • steam vaporizers
  • ultrasonic humidifiers

For the best results, the Environmental Protection Agency recommends that the humidity level in your home not exceed 50 percent. (EPA)

Ready to experience the transformation? Explore our Laser skin rejuvenationTriLift,  Botox treatment, and other Aesthetic Services to unlock your healthiest, most radiant skin. Visit our website to learn more and schedule your consultation today

Relief from Eczema 

Eczema is an itchy rash that’s often hard to get rid of. Most people can’t help scratching it, which further irritates the skin. Eczema is often, but not always, related to allergies.
Skin affected by eczema loses water easily, so treatment involves rehydrating the skin by taking warm (not hot) baths or showers and then promptly applying moisturizers. Thick creams that lock in the moisture can help a lot. Use creams or lotions without fragrances or preservatives. You should also limit the use of shampoos and soaps to once or twice a week. These products remove the skin’s natural oils and worsen dryness. Over-the-counter antihistamines can help with the itch, too.

First Steps to Treating Eczema

If you have eczema, it is important to take good care of your skin. Take warm (not hot!) baths on a regular basis and immediately applying moisturizers afterward will help keep your skin moist. You’ll find more information about this in the bathing and moisturizing section. In order for prescription medications to be most effective, a proper bathing and moisturizing regimen is required.

Eczema prevention check list:

  • Moisturize every day.
  • Wear cotton or soft fabrics.
  • Avoid rough, scratchy fibers and tight clothing.
  • Take lukewarm baths and showers, using mild soap or non-soap cleanser.
  • Gently pat your skin dry with a soft towel – do not rub.
  • Apply a moisturizer within 3 minutes after bathing to “lock in” moisture.
  • When possible, avoid rapid changes of temperature and activities that make you sweat.
  • Learn your eczema triggers and avoid them.
  • Use a humidifier in dry or cold weather.
  • Keep your fingernails short to help keep scratching from breaking the skin.
  • Some people with allergies find it helps to remove carpets from their house, and give pets dander treatments.

Reach out to to find out more about Envy Skin Clinic preferred products and services for all your skin care needs or reach out to your local clinic.

8 Tips To Soothe Dry Skin 

Flaky, scaly, itchy — these are the classic signs of dry skin. And who wants to look like a lizard, much less touch dry skin? Slapping on lotion when dry skin gets flaky isn’t enough to kick this skin health problem — you need to take some serious steps to soothe dry skin.

8 Dry Skin-Soothers

Try these beauty tips to add moisture and bring dry skin back to life:

1. Cool down your showers:
Very hot water will only dry your skin out more. So when you enjoy a bath or shower, keep the water lukewarm instead of hot. Same goes for when you wash your face.

2. Moisturize, moisturize: It seems like a no-brainer — if you’ve got dry skin, you need to moisturize. But how and when you apply moisturizer makes a big difference. If you’ve got dry skin, apply a moisturizer to your face and the skin all over your body at least once a day, or twice a day for extremely dry skin. The best time to put it on is when you get out of the shower. You should always pat, not rub, your skin dry so that a little moisture is left on the skin. Apply moisturizer quickly to lock in the moisture from the shower. A soothing oil added to your bath, is also recommended.

3. Exfoliate your skin: Avoiding exfoliation because you think it’s drying your skin? It’s not. Regular exfoliation is actually great for dry skin. That thick, callused, dead skin that’s covering healthy skin beneath is soaking up all the moisture. So slough it off with an exfoliant, then moisturize.

4. Be gentle to your skin: If you’ve got dry skin, it’s time to skip those harsh, drying bar soaps and upgrade to something a little more soothing for your skin. Some bar soaps are now made with moisturizers, but even better, are body washes that contain a lot of moisturizers — and always look for products for sensitive skin. If you’re using an anti-aging cream to combat wrinkles, you may want to focus more on moisturizing instead. Anti-aging creams “can perpetuate the dryness,” as they often contain acids and other ingredients that can really dry out the skin. So skip anti-aging in favor of more moisturizing products.

5. Wear sunscreen: Sunscreen will not only help protect your skin from drying burns and sun damage but also offer moisturizing qualities. Apply sunscreen every day to all areas that see the sun — face, neck, ears. You can even get a moisturizer with built-in sunscreen to get the benefits of two products in one. Just be sure that the sunscreen is rated SPF 15 or higher.

6. Cover skin in the cold: Extreme outdoor weather can suck the moisture right out of your skin, whether it’s the bitter cold of winter or the dry heat of summer. Use physical barriers in the cold, like masks and gloves, to protect the skin from wind burn. A hot, humid climate won’t dry your skin, but dry, desert-like areas will take a toll. Keep skin well moisturized in dry, hot weather, and try to stay out of the heat whenever you can.

7. Use a humidifier: When the climate outside is dry, you can escape inside your home, but what if the air in your home is drying, too? Use a humidifier in the room to put moisture back in the air. This is especially helpful in winter if your home has drying central heat.

8. Cut back on bathing: One good way to preserve moisture in your skin is to cut back a bit on bathing. Don’t bathe every day if you can get away with it.  Instead use a washcloth and gentle soap to wash your face and neck, under your arms, and any other areas where skin touches skin. It’s also a good idea to limit the amount of time you spend in the shower or bath — 10 to 15 minutes max.

Ready to experience the transformation? Explore our Laser skin rejuvenation, TriLiftBotox treatment, and other Aesthetic Services to unlock your healthiest, most radiant skin. Visit our website to learn more and schedule your consultation today!

Treatments That Help To Improve Adult Acne

Why adults suffer from acne

There are a number of reasons for this. Adult-onset acne can occur for many reasons. From family history and fluctuating hormone levels, to stress, certain skincare and hair products, to the side effects of some medications. Navigating adult acne can be daunting. If you’re noticing more frequent breakouts, there’s good news. Besides keeping a regular skin care routine with the right products, you can choose from several effective skincare systems.Acne can be unpredictable and it can be tricky to get under control. It can become more complicated with age.

Finding a tried and tested system, can really help control your adult acne.

Chemical Peels

Regular chemical peels can help to improve mild to moderate acne. During a treatment session, a chemical peeling agent is applied to your face. The chemicals typically include ingredients like BHAs – a salicylic acid that acts as an anti-inflammatory to break down and exfoliate the outer layer of your skin. There’s also AHAs, which are similar to glycolic acid. This acid reduces inflammation and spots.
Chemical peels are good for treating active acne as well as hyperpigmentation; these are the discolored spots that acne tends to leave behind. They also work well for superficial acne scars. Peels that include glycolic acid can also work to improve acne and pigment changes for people with darker skin.

Lights and Lasers

Multiple treatments of skincare systems that use lights and lasers, such as MicroLaser Peel, ProFractional, and BBL, conducted at repeated intervals can help keep adult acne at bay. Broadband Light (BBL) is an advanced technology that uses pulsed light to improve pigmentation, age spots, veins, broken capillaries, and adult acne. It’s an effective way to restore your youthful appearance.

Say goodbye to adult acne once and for all

Adult acne is more common than you may realize. If you suffer from frequent breakouts, inflammation, and pigmentation, you know that treating your skin is an ongoing process of ups and downs. Some days or months are better than others. You don’t need to continually experiment with different products and treatments. It’s always best to see an expert.
With professional skincare systems and personalized skincare routine advice, you can kick your acne to the curb and once again enjoy clear, smooth, and youthful-looking skin.

Book a consultation with the experienced team at ENVY Skin Clinic today.

How to Determine Your Skin Type So You Can Take Better Care of You 

The first step to determining how to look after your skin and which products to use is to identify your skin type. Taking a little time to learn your skin’s needs can help you pick the perfect options for a healthier and more radiant complexion.

Everybody’s skin is unique. But there are some common skin types that can help you determine where your skin fits in the most.

Before we get to that, let’s take a look at a few ways to figure out what’s not working for your skin.

  • Products leaving greasy residue

If this is the case, you may think you have oily skin. The truth is, your moisturizer may be a little too rich for your skin type. The skin can only absorb so much product, so the rest sits on the surface, clogging your pores.

  • Products burn or sting

This is a sign that the product isn’t right for your skin type. These reactions don’t necessarily mean you have sensitive skin, the product could simply be incompatible with your skin.

  • Produces make your skin feel dry and tight

This doesn’t always mean you have dehydrated or dry skin. Certain products and ingredients strip the skin of moisture as part of the process.

  • Products leave your skin unbalanced

Stop using the product immediately. Inflammation often results in aging. Even if you’re inducing skin irritation unintentionally, products that leave your skin irritated and unbalanced are just wrong for you.

  • Exfoliating products leave you flaky

If you use exfoliating products but your skin is still flaky and dry, it means you may be overdoing it. Too much exfoliation can harm your skin’s moisture barrier, leaving invisible cracks in the skin for moisture to escape. This makes your skin flaky and dry.

Figuring out your skin type:

Normal/Combination Skin

If you have normal/combination skin, you probably have dry cheeks. So, you need a moisturizer that isn’t too heavy but can retain moisture where you need it.
People with normal skin are prone to breakouts around the cheeks, along with a well-moisturized t-zone. Daily, gentle exfoliation is important to keep your skin in balance.

Dry Skin

Dry skin can leave your face feeling tight all day long, and you may even notice flaking. This skin type is usually due to environmental factors and genetics. Dehydration is also a big factor. That’s why it’s important to drink plenty of water and avoid diuretics like caffeine and alcohol.
Daily exfoliation is also key, ideally with non-abrasive and gentle ingredients that promote cell growth without stripping your skin of its natural oils. Without that extra layer of dead skin, your products will absorb more effectively.

Oily Skin

Too much oil can leave your pores clogged and congested. The good news is that oily skin often looks more supple and younger. That’s because it is less prone to wrinkling and has more natural moisture.
Daily exfoliation is essential to prevent a buildup of products and clogged pores. A gentle exfoliator can also help to balance the tone and texture of the skin.
People with oilier skin are also prone to post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, which means dark spots on your skin once breakouts have healed. Again, exfoliation can help by lightening the dark spots and revealing new cells.

Book an appointment with the ENVY Skin Clinic team today to find the perfect skin care products for your skin type.

Goodbye to Frown Lines with Venus Viva 

Venus Viva

Venus Viva is a revolutionary way to say goodbye to acne scars, uneven texture, pigment irregularities, wrinkles, and frown lines. From tightening your skin to adding glow and radiance to your complexion, this treatment can leave you looking and feeling as youthful as you are.
Thanks to its innovative skin heating process, Venus Viva delivers astounding results with little downtime and minimal discomfort.

Gently heating the layers below the skin surface to smooth out lines

Venus Viva technology works by emitting radio frequency energy through tiny pins. These pins create the smallest marks in your skin, which in turn stimulate your body’s natural healing process.
As a result, the radio frequency energy hastens up healing deep below your skin’s surface. Your skin is better able to produce fresh, new cells, elastin, and collagen in response to that energy. After your treatment, your skin will look more youthful and firmer.

Changing the surface of your appearance

This noninvasive skin treatment helps reverse damage and signs of aging, including wrinkles, fine lines, sunspots, and acne scars.
It also works to significantly improve the tone and texture of your skin. Studies show that the majority of patients report being impressed with changes in texture and the overall improvement of their skin after their Venus Viva treatment.

Nobody needs to know your age

While plenty of aesthetic procedures out there offer good enough results, Venus Viva is a minimally invasive treatment that offers an array of benefits.

These include:

  • Minimal downtime
  • Long-lasting results
  • The large variable treatment area
  • Fewer treatments
  • No post-inflammatory pigmentation
  • Multi-applicators allow for increase treatment options
  • Exceptional anti-aging effects

Venus Viva works to even out your skin’s texture and decrease visible lines and pores for a more refined look. It also helps reduce acne scars and wrinkles for a healthier, clearer complexion, while also diminishing deep folds and lines, leaving your looking as vibrant and youthful as you deserve to look.

Best of all, Venus Viva treatments are safe for all types of skin, so just about everyone can take advantage of the benefits of this amazing medical aesthetic technology. It used to be that only people with fair complexions could benefit from resurfacing treatments. Now, thanks to Venus Viva, nearly any skin type can be retextured and resurfaced with consistent results.

A course of treatments works best

How many treatments you will need depends on your concerns. Whether you want to smooth out those lines around your mouth and eyes or treat deeper folds and wrinkles, Venus Viva treatments will tackle your troubles. For optimal results, a course of around 3 to 4 treatments is usually recommended.

What to expect after your Venus Viva treatment

You can expect a fast and effective treatment that lasts about  half an hour. Once you leave, you’ll be ready to carry on with your normal day. Some people do experience a mild sensation of sunburn, but this usually goes away within a day or two.

One of the best things about Venus Viva technology is that you can expect both long-term and short-term benefits. Immediately after your session, you should notice an improvement in your skin texture and tone. But over time, you’ll get to see just how brilliantly Venus Viva rejuvenates your skin to a more flawless condition.

Book your Venus Viva treatments today with the experienced team at ENVY Skin Clinic.