Manage Pigmentation of Your Skin 

Are you prone to hyperpigmentation?

What exactly is pigmentation?

Pigmentation, or hyperpigmentation, refers to dark patches of your skin. They can be big or small patches.
It’s is generally not a harmful concern. Hyperpigmentation may leave your skin looking unsightly or uneven.
Our skin gets its color from melanocytes – cells that produce pigments. These melanocytes produce melanin and that’s what gives your skin its color. If the melanocytes become damaged, or pushed into overdrive, they start producing more melanin, causing dark patches of skin.

What really causes hyperpigmentation?

The culprits vary from environmental factors, to lifestyle, and even hormonal changes.
Acne can cause dark spots once the acne clears. Other culprits include injuries to skin and age spots. Age spots often occur from sun damage due to sun exposure and insufficient sun protection. They are small, dark patches usually found on your face, hands and other parts of the body frequently exposed to the sun.
When hormonal changes are the cause of hyperpigmentation, it’s called chloasma or melasma. The spots look similar to age spots but are usually larger areas of darker skin that appear more often due to hormonal fluctuations. For instance, pregnancy can lead to melanin overproduction, causing what some women call the mask of pregnancy. Also, women on birth control pills may develop hyperpigmentation since their bodies also undergo similar hormonal changes.

Obagi Nu-Derm is here to help

If you suffer from hyperpigmentation and want to control your skin’s pigment, it’s time to try Nu-Derm from Obagi.
The system has been designed to transform your skin’s appearance. With regular use, Nu-Derm can reduce dark spots to reveal healthier and younger-looking skin. This product is perfect for people who suffer from rough skin, age spots, and yellow or reddish complexions as well as hyperpigmentation.
Best of all, you can add the entire kit to your skincare regimen.

How to avoid hyperpigmentation

Besides a careful skincare regimen with Obagi’s Nu-Derm, there are a few things you can do to avoid hyperpigmentation and avoid or lessen the harmful impact of UV light and skin damage.

  • Always apply sunscreen
    Freckles, age spots and other areas of hyperpigmentation are all created and increased by UV light. While you might look and feel healthier with a golden tan, there’s really no such thing as a safe tan. Any change to the color of your skin may result in skin damage. You can avoid activating that melanin production system by using sunscreen every day.
    If you’re looking for bronzed glow, use a self-tanner.

  • Use Brightening Actives
    If you are prone to breakouts, you should use a brightening active the moment a breakout develops. Aim to use it before hyperpigmentation sets in and you might just avoid darker patches of skin.
    What brightening actives so is inhibit the production of melanin.
    Book a consultation at ENVY Skin Clinic to discuss your skincare needs.

Say Goodbye To Sun Damage With VI Peel

Avoiding sun exposure is the right way to keep wrinkle-free skin and get a radiant glow. With many skin peels available on the market, VI Peel Treatment is trending because it helps treat acne, rough texture, uneven skin tone, fine lines, sun spots, etc.

VI Peel: An Introduction

VI Peel, or Vitality Institute Peel, is a medium-depth peel that will penetrate the top layer of your skin, called the epidermis, reaching the dermis layer. The VI Peel is a product trademarked by Vitality Institute Medical Products. The VI Peel exfoliates your skin and boosts the production of new proteins. It will also correct your pigmentation issues. This peel is safe to use on every skin type and tone.

VI Peel: Why Add It to Your Skin Ritual?

The VI Peel treatment nourishes your skin and renews youthfulness by promoting collagen production and skin cell regeneration. It gets deep down into your dermis, exfoliates, and stimulates the production of new proteins like collagen. VI Peel is a potent blend of Phenol, TCA, Vitamin C, Salicylic Acid, and Tretinoin. The reputed aesthetic skin clinic uses this treatment to revive rough, dull, and sun-damaged skin. It leads to a healthier skin appearance and adds to youthfulness.

You must add this VI Peel treatment to improve the health of your skin. The major benefits include:

Reduced Fine Lines: This treatment prevents fine lines because it helps create enough elastin and collagen in your skin. It will restore the youthfulness of your skin. The professional skin aesthetic clinic uses VI Peel to lessen or erase fine lines and wrinkles altogether.

Treats Acne: It works great to curb acne, as the VI Peel solution contains a chemical that eliminates germs, lessens oil production, removes dead skin cells, and unclogs the pores. The VI Peel works as a purifying peel to cleanse your skin of the inflammation caused by acne. This treatment will promote cellular turnover, lessen the acne scars, prevent breakouts, and kill the germs to cleanse the pores.

Deep Exfoliation: A few doctors may opt to carry out VI Advanced Peel treatment, which contains additional dosages of Vitamin A and Vitamin C.

• These potent chemical substances will alter your skin to perform better. The added Vitamins in the VI Peel help provide deeper exfoliation. You will get a balanced skin texture, too. The deep exfoliation is best for the skin types with melasma, hyperpigmentation, and sunburns.

Removes Dryness from Skin: This treatment helps moisturize your skin to make it look plump, bouncy and rejuvenated. It helps remove discoloration from the skin. The VI Peel Treatment is known for the slow and gentle effects that it gives to the skin compared to its cheaper alternatives like scrubs or microdermabrasion.

Where Can You Get a VI Peel Treatment?

The aesthetic skin clinic, ENVY Skin Clinic, provides the best VI Peel Treatment to its patients. The clinic has highly experienced professionals and has maintained its A+ rating for 14 years. Book your appointment today!


The Venus Legacy 

As we age, our skin naturally loses elasticity. Thanks to the Venus Legacy treatment, you can improve cellulite, tighten your skin, and reduce small areas.

First, about Venus Legacy

Firstly, Venus Legacy is a device that’s designed to reduce cellulite, tighten skin, treat wrinkles, and reduce small spots of excess fat.
With the help of (MP)2 technology, Venus Legacy uses Pulsed Magnetic Fields (PEMF) along with Multi-Polar Radio Frequency (RF) to produce a uniform heat matrix. This, in turn, encourages contraction, collagen production, improved elasticity, and lipolysis. As a result, you can look forward to a firmer, smoother, and more toned body.

How Venus Legacy differs from other contouring treatments

Venus Legacy is a highly advanced technology used for body contouring. The skin tightening and cellulite reducing treatment delivers pain-free, completely safe treatments with exceptional results.
Not only does the treatment involve RF and PEMF, but it also utilizes VariPulse technology, RealTime Thermal feedback, and 4D technology for superior contouring and tightening effects.

How does the treatment work?

Using a combination of the technologies we’ve mentioned, Venus Legacy works to deeply penetrate several layers of the skin, uniformly heating from the inside out. When your tissue temperature is increased, it enhances FGF-2 hormone activity and the triglycerides within your fat cells are broken down while fatty acids are freed from the cells.
In so doing, we can reduce volume. Blood flow to your treated area improves significantly, enhancing your skin’s texture and tone. Oxygen, minerals, and vitamins are carried easier t the cells, while waste materials and toxins are eliminated.

Venus Legacy also provides exceptional skin tightening results. That’s because, during treatment, new blood vessels are formed while dermal fibroblasts are created. These increase elastin and collagen fibers, resulting in firmer, tighter skin and filling in of lines and wrinkles for a smoother, youthful appearance.

What to expect during your treatment

Venus Legacy treatments tend to be relaxing, with some people saying it feels similar to a hot stone massage. The treatment takes around 40 minutes, and for best results, we usually recommend 6 to 10 treatments.
This is a virtually painless treatment with no downtime needed. That means you can quickly achieve cellulite reduction and skin tightening results and get straight back to the hustle and bustle of life.

Venus Legacy for wrinkle reduction and skin tightening

The RF causes a thermal response in tissues, activating your body’s natural response to healing. So, new elastin fibers and collagen are formed, causing your skin to both look and feel firmer.

Venus Legacy for body contouring and cellulite reduction

When your skin’s temperature rises, your body releases stress hormones. The hormones pass through your bloodstream and attach to receptors on the membrane of fat cells within the deepest layer of your skin. Once the stress hormone attaches to the receptor, it activates lipase. In turn, lipase breaks down triglycerides into free fatty acids. These acids exit the fat cells through your bloodstream, reducing fat cells as they do so. The result is a more contoured and smoother shape.

Areas that can be treated

Venus Legacy is designed with four different handpieces to treat different areas of the body. Treatments can work to reduce cellulite and tighten the skin on your face, neck, upper arms, buttock, abdomen, and thighs.
The number of treatments you’ll need is based on the area being treated. For example, most areas of the body require 8 treatments while the neck and face require about 6 treatments.

A safe treatment for all

Venus Legacy is a safe and effective treatment for skin tightening and to reduce wrinkles and fat. It’s also a successful treatment for most people.
If you want a little light or tightening, call the experienced team at ENVY Skin Clinic today to book your Venus Legacy treatment.

Envy Skin Clinic’s Ultimate Non-Surgical Facelift: triLift® Facial Rejuvenation

In the realm of non-surgical facelifts, triLift®stands out as a revolutionary approach that combines traditional RF microneedling with dynamic muscle stimulation. triLift® entails five sessions spaced one week apart with pricing typically between $3900-$5,000. This leads many of our clients to (understandably!) ask: Is triLift® cost worth it?

1. Pain-Free Experience: Historically, RF microneedling has been associated with discomfort, causing some clients to abandon their treatment plans after just one session. triLift®changes the game by incorporating the latest medical technology to deliver a virtually pain-free experience. Unlike traditional devices like Morpheus8, many triLift® clients do not even require a topical numbing cream, making the treatment more accessible and comfortable.

2. Time to Results:
triLift® distinguishes itself by combining RF microneedling with dynamic muscle stimulation, offering a comprehensive solution for facial rejuvenation. This three-pronged approach targets collagen induction, tone and texture improvement, and the lifting of facial muscles. The result? Remarkably fast and visible changes in as little as one week, with significant improvements observed after just five sessions.triLift’s®efficiency sets it apart from older anti-aging therapies, providing clients with a quicker path to their desired results.

3. Non-Invasive Alternative:
While the average cost of a surgical facelift in the U.S. can range from $15,000 to $28,000, triLift®offers a non-invasive alternative at a fraction of the price. With a cost typically between $3,900 and $5,000 for five sessions, triLift® becomes a compelling option when compared to the expenses associated with surgical alternatives. Additionally, the absence of downtime makes triLift® an attractive choice for individuals seeking facial rejuvenation without the inconvenience of recovery periods, swelling, bruising, and other post-surgical effects.

The revolutionary combination of RF microneedling and dynamic muscle stimulation sets triLift®apart as one of the fastest and most effective non-surgical facelift options on the market. Join the ranks of our staff and current clients who have experienced it, all of whom are passionate advocates of this treatment, and experience the transformative benefits of triLift® for yourself. Embrace a pain-free, time-efficient, and non-invasive path to radiant and lifted skin with TriLift facial rejuvenation at Envy Skin Clinic.

Yearning for a natural lift and youthful glow? triLift delivers a face-lift-like effect without surgery. Learn more about this innovative technology and find a provider near you.

Forever Young BBL 

Many people go by the adage that time heals all wounds. Your skin, though, begs to differ. Over time, you start to age, and your complexion becomes more vulnerable to the inevitable factors of aging.

Besides the natural effects of time, pollution, and sun damage all have an impact on the way your skin matures.
Luckily, there are effective treatments on the market to help reduce age and sun spots, hyperpigmentation, and redness to help give you a rejuvenating boost and leave you looking younger.

But which treatment do you choose? With so many on the market, it’s a daunting thought. And now, we’re proud to include Forever Young BBL treatments among other anti-aging technology.

What’s the difference?

Forever Young BBL is the latest technology in light therapy. There’s little to no downtime and you can enjoy amazing long-term benefits.

Best of all, it’s the only device that’s shown to actually change the expression of the genes associated with aging. With regular treatments, you can achieve smoother, clearers, and younger looking skin. There’s no denying that Forever Young BBL is a revolutionary and gentle anti-aging treatment that offers proven results to fight the effects of aging.

It has been confirmed that treating aged skin with BroadBand Light (BBL) dramatically improves the appearance of aging skin. Forever Young BBL can reduce or altogether eliminate fine lines, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, and other signs of aging.

Expert technology for a lasting difference

So, what really makes Forever Young BBL different from other anti-aging technology? The secret lies in the expert technology. BBL technology differs in that it goes beyond repairing damaged skin and actually makes changes at the molecular level to rejuvenate your skin cells.

What’s more, thanks to the first-class technology, BBL treatments are considerably shorter than other types of treatments. You can have your full face treated in a matter of 15 minutes.
As for which areas can be treated with Forever Young BBL, any area can be treated, with people popularly opting to treat their face, neck, chest, shoulders, and the back of their hands. Also, treatment plans are personalized based on your skin and what you want to achieve. This means that the number of treatments you’ll need will depend on your goals and your skin’s needs, but typically 3 – 6 treatments can be down four weeks apart.

More about a forever young bbl treatment

When your treatment starts, your skin will feel warm as it absorbs the light. You may feel a very light rubber band snapping sensation. You will experience slight redness right after your session, but this goes away within just a few hours. Your treated skin will feel smoother and refreshed shortly after. Best of all, you’ll start noticing results from your very first session, with pores shrinking and fine lines smoothing out.

Recovery and results

There’s pretty much no downtime with Forever Young BBL. Typically, you can return to work and apply your makeup straight after your session. Full results of your treatment should be noticeable after about a month.
Before your sessions you will need to avoid sun exposure, but this is something you should be doing to avoid the effects of aging on your skin, anyway!

Try forever young BBL today

If you’re looking for an fast-acting, and long-lasting way to minimize and even reduce the signs of aging, it’s time to try Forever Young BBL and say goodbye to fine lines, wrinkles, large pores, sun spots, and a host of other natural aging occurrences.
Book your sessions with the experienced team at ENVY Skin Clinic today.
Ready to experience the transformation? Explore our Laser hair removal, TriLift, Botox treatment, and other Aesthetic Services to unlock your healthiest, most radiant skin. Visit our website to learn more and schedule your consultation today.

Rediscover Your Youthful Glow

As we age, our facial muscles tend to weaken and sag, causing us to lose that youthful, toned look. But what if we told you that there’s a way to regain your youthful appearance without resorting to injections or surgery? Enter triLift, the hottest new treatment in aesthetics, now available at Envy Skin Clinic.

What is triLift?

triLift is a revolutionary treatment developed by Lumenis, the facial aesthetic experts. Unlike other treatments that only address the surface of the skin, triLift delves deeper. It targets the root cause of facial aging – the muscles. This treatment stimulates the natural regeneration processes to tone the muscles, giving you a lifted, youthful look .Why Choose triLift?

Immediate, Visible Results

With triLift, the results are almost immediate. After just one session, you can expect to see a natural-looking improvement in your facial features. The treatment helps with saggy jawlines, stubborn wrinkles, and drooping cheeks by addressing all three key elements of aging: structure, contour, and texture.

No Downtime

Unlike surgical procedures, triLift requires zero downtime. Each session lasts about 30 minutes, and you can return to your daily activities immediately after. Some redness or swelling may occur, but these effects are temporary and usually subside within a few days.

Safe and Pleasant

triLift is a safe and pleasant treatment option. It uses a patented technology called Dynamic Muscle Stimulation (DMSt) that thickens and strengthens the dermal layer, increases natural volume, and evens out the texture of the epidermal layer.

However, it’s important to note that triLift is not suitable for patients with pacemakers, defibrillators, or any implanted electronic devices, as well as metal implants in the treatment area.

Why Envy Skin Clinic?

Envy Skin Clinic is committed to providing top-notch aesthetic treatments in a comfortable and welcoming environment. Our team of experienced professionals will work closely with you to create a personalized treatment plan that addresses your unique needs and concerns.

Rediscover your youthful glow and love what you see in the mirror with triLift at Envy Skin Clinic. Contact us today to schedule your first session!