Dysport vs. Botox: Which to consider?

The rеlеntlеss pursuit of youthful radiance has led many to the world of cosmetic injеctablеs, where Dysport and Botox are few of the most trusted options. Botox and Dysport are both derived from botulinum toxin A; these sееmingly similar treatments offer a path to smoother, younger-looking skin. Yet, there are some differences that you must know to decide which option will be best for you, in addition to the in-depth consultation with a board-certified dermatologist or aesthetician in a cosmetic injectables center with experienced professionals. Getting Dysport or Botox also depends on your requirements and the target area.

Targeting Undesired Wrinkles

Botox covers a wider territory when it comes to tackling frown lines bеtwееn the brows (glabеllar lines), forehead wrinkles, crow’s fееt around the еyеs, and еvеn pesky underarm sweating. On the other, hand Dysport works on more focused areas, primarily targeting frown lines bеtwееn the brows. Whilе it can be used off-label for other areas, its official FDA approval remains limited. So, if you want to treat more than frown lines, Botox is your option.

What Gives Quick Results?

Dysport’s еffеcts pееk through within 24-48 hours, a quick turnaround compared to Botox’s 3-7 day wait. However, what Dysport gains in spееd, it loses in endurance. Its еffеcts typically fade after 3-4 months, while Botox boasts a longer effect of 6 months. So, if immediate results are your priority, Dysport might be your ally, but if longevity is your goal, Botox offers more durable results.

Decision based on Diffusion and Dosage

Precision is the key to successful treatment. Botox’s larger protein molecules allow for targeted strikes on specific areas; this requires a more skilled hand from the injector to avoid unintended muscle relaxation. Dysport, with its smaller molecules, potentially covers a larger area with fewer injections. However, this diffusion can lead to unintended muscle weakness if not injected with utmost precision.

What is More Economical?

Dysport is slightly cheaper per unit than Botox. However, the amount nееdеd can vary depending on the desired coverage area, potentially negating the initial cost advantage. Ultimately, the overall price depends on your specific requirements and treatment goals.

The Potential Side Effects

Dysport and Botox treatments share somewhat similar side еffеcts, including temporary bruising, swelling, redness, and headache at the injection site. Both can also cause unintended muscle weakness if not injected correctly.
Hence, you need to trust a board-certified cosmetic injectables center with qualified and еxpеriеncеd professionals to give you a youthful glow.

Embracing Beautiful Youth without Side Effects

Whether you should go for Botox or Dysport depends on your unique nееds and prеfеrеncеs. So, consider the points we have discussed and always choose the certified Botox Clinic, such as ENVY Skin Clinic, which prioritizes personalized care and offers a boutique atmosphere for beauty and confidence enhancement. The clinic, known for its A rating on BBB for 14 years, has successfully conducted over 400,000 treatments.

The ENVY team provides tailored consultations with experienced specialists to craft individualized plans using cutting-edge aesthetic technology to ensure safety and impeccable results throughout the youth revitalizing treatment.

Learn more about the ENVY Skin Clinic, and to schedule an appointment with the professionals.


Forever Young BBL 

Many people go by the adage that time heals all wounds. Your skin, though, begs to differ. Over time, you start to age, and your complexion becomes more vulnerable to the inevitable factors of aging.

Besides the natural effects of time, pollution, and sun damage all have an impact on the way your skin matures.
Luckily, there are effective treatments on the market to help reduce age and sun spots, hyperpigmentation, and redness to help give you a rejuvenating boost and leave you looking younger.

But which treatment do you choose? With so many on the market, it’s a daunting thought. And now, we’re proud to include Forever Young BBL treatments among other anti-aging technology.

What’s the difference?

Forever Young BBL is the latest technology in light therapy. There’s little to no downtime and you can enjoy amazing long-term benefits.

Best of all, it’s the only device that’s shown to actually change the expression of the genes associated with aging. With regular treatments, you can achieve smoother, clearers, and younger looking skin. There’s no denying that Forever Young BBL is a revolutionary and gentle anti-aging treatment that offers proven results to fight the effects of aging.

It has been confirmed that treating aged skin with BroadBand Light (BBL) dramatically improves the appearance of aging skin. Forever Young BBL can reduce or altogether eliminate fine lines, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, and other signs of aging.

Expert technology for a lasting difference

So, what really makes Forever Young BBL different from other anti-aging technology? The secret lies in the expert technology. BBL technology differs in that it goes beyond repairing damaged skin and actually makes changes at the molecular level to rejuvenate your skin cells.

What’s more, thanks to the first-class technology, BBL treatments are considerably shorter than other types of treatments. You can have your full face treated in a matter of 15 minutes.
As for which areas can be treated with Forever Young BBL, any area can be treated, with people popularly opting to treat their face, neck, chest, shoulders, and the back of their hands. Also, treatment plans are personalized based on your skin and what you want to achieve. This means that the number of treatments you’ll need will depend on your goals and your skin’s needs, but typically 3 – 6 treatments can be down four weeks apart.

More about a forever young bbl treatment

When your treatment starts, your skin will feel warm as it absorbs the light. You may feel a very light rubber band snapping sensation. You will experience slight redness right after your session, but this goes away within just a few hours. Your treated skin will feel smoother and refreshed shortly after. Best of all, you’ll start noticing results from your very first session, with pores shrinking and fine lines smoothing out.

Recovery and results

There’s pretty much no downtime with Forever Young BBL. Typically, you can return to work and apply your makeup straight after your session. Full results of your treatment should be noticeable after about a month.
Before your sessions you will need to avoid sun exposure, but this is something you should be doing to avoid the effects of aging on your skin, anyway!

Try forever young BBL today

If you’re looking for an fast-acting, and long-lasting way to minimize and even reduce the signs of aging, it’s time to try Forever Young BBL and say goodbye to fine lines, wrinkles, large pores, sun spots, and a host of other natural aging occurrences.
Book your sessions with the experienced team at ENVY Skin Clinic today.
Ready to experience the transformation? Explore our Laser hair removal, TriLift, Botox treatment, and other Aesthetic Services to unlock your healthiest, most radiant skin. Visit our website to learn more and schedule your consultation today.

Spider Veins 

Spider veins, especially, are a common appearance as we age. It’s not a huge cause for concern, and spider veins aren’t necessarily painful, but they can be unsightly confidence killers.
The good news is that you can do something about your spider veins, and it doesn’t have to be a big deal!

What causes spider veins?

There are a number of things that can cause spider veins. Common causes include:

  • Pregnancy – when you’re pregnant, the amount of blood in your body increases and causes the veins to enlarge.
  • Age – as we age, so our valves in the veins weaken.
  • Hormones – hormonal changes that take place during pregnancy, puberty, and menopause, as well as taking certain progesterone or estrogen medications and birth control pills can result in spider veins.
  • A sedentary lifestyle.
  • A family history of spider veins.
  • Sun exposure –too much time in the sun can lead to spider veins on the nose or cheeks, especially if you’re fair-skinned.
  • Obesity puts extra pressure on your veins.
  • Standing or sitting for prolonged periods of time or sitting with your legs crossed too often.

Spider veins are an inflammatory process, so they can be painful. The veins get stretched out and dilated, and that means they send local inflammatory messages to your brain, resulting in pain and swollen legs.
Thanks to laser therapy, you can minimize the appearance of your spider veins.

How laser therapy helps with spider veins

When spider veins are still superficial and relatively small, lasers can be set to precisely target the pigment in your veins. This causes the blood to coagulate, destroying the veins.
It’s a quick and fairly painless movement that feels a little like a rubber band snapping against your skin. Depending on how many veins must be treated and the density of each vein, a session can take anywhere from just 15 minutes up to an hour.

Preventing spider veins

Of course, once you get rid of your spider veins, you’ll want to prevent more developing.
Here’s what you can do:

  • Maintain a healthy diet
  • Get regular exercise
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Avoid sitting or standing for longer periods
  • Elevate your legs when you’re resting
  • Avoid crossing your legs when you’re sitting
  • Avoid tight-fitting clothing around your legs and waist

Spider veins can be sore, and they can certainly knock your confidence. But thanks to laser treatments, they can be removed quickly and effortlessly!

Book your treatment today at ENVY Skin Clinic.

Amazing Results You Can Expect from miraDry 

Hyperhidrosis is the name given to excessive underarm sweat, it  can leave you embarrassed, flustered, and even spending lots on clothes.
An excellent way to fight the condition is with the superb miraDry treatment. This is a non-invasive therapy and works to permanently remove sweat and odor.  There is also the benefit of underarm hair reduction. The benefit of the treatment is that results are immediate.

miraDry has been cleared by the FDA. Best of all, it can be done in our office and takes less than two hours.

More on the miraDry procedure

These include:

  • Results are usually immediate and permanent after your treatment
  • There is little to no discomfort during and also after your treatment
  • You can achieve results after just one and maximum after two quick treatments
  • Advanced cooling technology helps to protect the surrounding tissue during treatment
  • Treatment is a once-off thing, you don’t need any top-up sessions down the line
  • The elimination of your underarm sweat glands doesn’t undermine your body’s ability to properly cool itself off
  • You can resume non-strenuous activities and works right after your treatment

miraDry results you can look forward to

As you can see, miraDry is a fast and effective way to say goodbye to excessive underarm sweat for good. But there are even more amazing results to be had.

1. Goodbye to wet marks

Thanks to miraDry’s fast acting and permanent results, you can look forward to a wardrobe for full of favorites that will last a long time.

2. No more deodorant stains

Speaking of wet marks, you’ll no longer have to worry about your favorite t-shirt or black dress sporting chalky white marks as you’ll no longer need to layer on the deodorant.

3. Don’t sweat the small stuff

Whether it’s a first date or a big presentation, with no sweat stains, it won’t be as obvious that you’re uncomfortable, nervous or anxious.

4. Clean and fresh all day long

Being sweaty at work all day is uncomfortable and embarrassing. It feels like you’re constantly adjusting to get comfortable. Continuous sweat is also unhealthy and can result in itchy rashes. With miraDry, your underarms will stay clean and fresh.

5. The fun of being carefree

Without having to worry about excessive underarm sweat, you’re free to head off with your colleagues for an after work get-together without looking, or smelling like it’s been a tough, long day.

What you need to know about miraDry

A miraDry procedure can take between 1 and 2 hours. While you’ll enjoy results from your very first session, you may need two treatments spread-out about 3 or 4 months apart for optimal success. But after that, the results are permanent, and you won’t need any touch-up sessions in the future.

miraDry is a fairly painless procedure, too. Some patients do report mild discomfort, but this is alleviated with a local anesthesia in your underarm area.
Immediately after your procedure, you may need ice and over-the-counter pain relievers. You can expect a small amount of localized swelling and pain, but it will subside within a couple of weeks. The good news is that you can return to your exercise routine within just a few short days.

A safe and fast procedure

You should notice a reduction in underarm sweat immediately after your first treatment session. Studies show that sweat is reduced by over 80%. Most patients enjoy permanent results after just 2 sessions, but it can vary depending on the severity of your hyperhidrosis.

miraDry is a safe and non-invasive procedure. While it eliminates your underarm sweat glands, your body is still able to regulate its temperature. After all, you have over four million sweat glands and only 2 percent of those are found under the arms.

Is miraDry the procedure for you?

miraDry is ideal for people who suffer from excessive underarm sweating that causes embarrassing stains. If this sounds like you, it’s time to book your miraDry session!

Book a consultation with the friendly team at ENVY Skin Clinic today.

The environment and climate you live in can have all sorts of effects on your skin 

Different environmental factors have different effects on your skin. Some materials, for example, can cause the tissue to break down or a build-up of fluids in your skin. Others, like tar and oil, can clog your pores, resulting in folliculitis and acne.
Other factors can lead to pigmentation changes, burns, and bacterial infections. Exposure to insulation and other building materials, and even aerosols can result in dry skin and irritation.

Then there are physical factors like the sun, cold, and heat that can call cause their own damage if you don’t look after your skin. So, if you’re not a fan of heat, you might want to avoid it. Exposing your skin to hot and humid environments can lead to irritation. When you sweat, perspiration gets trapped in the sun and results in heat rashes, blisters, and clogged pores.

On the other end of the scale, cold environments and low humidity cause dandruff, dry skin, and sometimes even frostbite.

Dry environment for healthy skin

Even if you only ever traveled a couple of hours from home, you’ve probably noticed changes in your skin. Dry desert heat, for instance, may have cleared up your acne, or you experienced a major breakout in a humid climate.

For most people, the skin adapts to the environment they live in. But it doesn’t mean your complexion is radiant and clear – that often requires regular treatments and use of products to achieve glowing, healthy skin.

It depends on your skin type

Here’s something to think about, though; there isn’t a universally ideal environment for your skin. It all depends on your skin type. For instance, if you suffer from eczema or dry skin, your skin is more likely to do well in humid conditions, which helps the skin lock in moisture.

On the other hand, if you suffer from an oily complexion, the perfect environment for you is a dry one. After just a few days in a dry area, people with oily skin notice fewer breakouts. Many even report that their skin feels “normal” and they’re able to use moisturizer more regularly.

People with sensitive skin should stay away from polluted environments since fumes and smog agitate the skin.
If you are a rosacea sufferer, stay away from sunny conditions. The UV light and heat cause blood vessels to dilate, leading to inflammation and redness.

How about Hawaii?

Honolulu boasts an average of 278 days of sun every year. Yet, this city is the perfect environment for your skin. The pollution levels are exceptionally low and there are zero high-ozone days. What’s more, Hawaii’s humid environment can benefit dry skin.

There’s no one size fits all solution

There’s no perfect environment for perfect skin, which is why it’s important to determine your skin type and adjust to the climate you live in. Everybody can benefit from using a humidifier indoors. When you run heaters or air conditioners, the ambient humidity inside is low, and that means your skin dries out. Using a humidifier can create a better balance in your environment and in your skin.

What’s more, whether you have dry skin or are prone to oily pores, it’s a good idea to seek out treatments targeted to your skin type that will help lock in nourishment and moisture, treat problem areas, and keep signs of aging – like fine lines, wrinkles, and pigmentation – at bay.

Book your personalized skin care treatments today at ENVY Skin Clinic.

Why a Humidifier During The Winter Months 

Maybe dry skin and static cling are annoying during the winter months?
Here are only a few more reasons to consider a humidifier during the cold, dry season.

Heal faster: Whether it be a cold or allergies, a humidifier keeps your nasal passages lubricated, which helps speed up the healing process when you’re under the weather. For people with bad allergies, there are humidifiers that are specially designed to purify the air as well.

Fewer nosebleeds: Another reason keeping your nasal passages moist and lubricated is helpful in preventing nosebleeds. If you’re regularly experiencing nosebleeds due to your dry climate, it’s worth a try. Many people have found that it makes a big difference.

Support beautiful skin: Soothe dry skin by sleeping with a humidifier on through the night. In the morning, you’ll not only notice that your face looks suppler, and your hands and lips won’t feel dry and dehydrated either.

*The type of humidifier you choose depends on your preferences, budget, and the extent of the area in which you want to add moisture. There are five types of humidifiers:

  • central humidifiers
  • evaporators
  • impeller humidifiers
  • steam vaporizers
  • ultrasonic humidifiers

For the best results, the Environmental Protection Agency recommends that the humidity level in your home not exceed 50 percent. (EPA)

Ready to experience the transformation? Explore our Laser skin rejuvenationTriLift,  Botox treatment, and other Aesthetic Services to unlock your healthiest, most radiant skin. Visit our website to learn more and schedule your consultation today

Goodbye to Frown Lines with Venus Viva 

Venus Viva

Venus Viva is a revolutionary way to say goodbye to acne scars, uneven texture, pigment irregularities, wrinkles, and frown lines. From tightening your skin to adding glow and radiance to your complexion, this treatment can leave you looking and feeling as youthful as you are.
Thanks to its innovative skin heating process, Venus Viva delivers astounding results with little downtime and minimal discomfort.

Gently heating the layers below the skin surface to smooth out lines

Venus Viva technology works by emitting radio frequency energy through tiny pins. These pins create the smallest marks in your skin, which in turn stimulate your body’s natural healing process.
As a result, the radio frequency energy hastens up healing deep below your skin’s surface. Your skin is better able to produce fresh, new cells, elastin, and collagen in response to that energy. After your treatment, your skin will look more youthful and firmer.

Changing the surface of your appearance

This noninvasive skin treatment helps reverse damage and signs of aging, including wrinkles, fine lines, sunspots, and acne scars.
It also works to significantly improve the tone and texture of your skin. Studies show that the majority of patients report being impressed with changes in texture and the overall improvement of their skin after their Venus Viva treatment.

Nobody needs to know your age

While plenty of aesthetic procedures out there offer good enough results, Venus Viva is a minimally invasive treatment that offers an array of benefits.

These include:

  • Minimal downtime
  • Long-lasting results
  • The large variable treatment area
  • Fewer treatments
  • No post-inflammatory pigmentation
  • Multi-applicators allow for increase treatment options
  • Exceptional anti-aging effects

Venus Viva works to even out your skin’s texture and decrease visible lines and pores for a more refined look. It also helps reduce acne scars and wrinkles for a healthier, clearer complexion, while also diminishing deep folds and lines, leaving your looking as vibrant and youthful as you deserve to look.

Best of all, Venus Viva treatments are safe for all types of skin, so just about everyone can take advantage of the benefits of this amazing medical aesthetic technology. It used to be that only people with fair complexions could benefit from resurfacing treatments. Now, thanks to Venus Viva, nearly any skin type can be retextured and resurfaced with consistent results.

A course of treatments works best

How many treatments you will need depends on your concerns. Whether you want to smooth out those lines around your mouth and eyes or treat deeper folds and wrinkles, Venus Viva treatments will tackle your troubles. For optimal results, a course of around 3 to 4 treatments is usually recommended.

What to expect after your Venus Viva treatment

You can expect a fast and effective treatment that lasts about  half an hour. Once you leave, you’ll be ready to carry on with your normal day. Some people do experience a mild sensation of sunburn, but this usually goes away within a day or two.

One of the best things about Venus Viva technology is that you can expect both long-term and short-term benefits. Immediately after your session, you should notice an improvement in your skin texture and tone. But over time, you’ll get to see just how brilliantly Venus Viva rejuvenates your skin to a more flawless condition.

Book your Venus Viva treatments today with the experienced team at ENVY Skin Clinic.

Rediscover Your Youthful Glow

As we age, our facial muscles tend to weaken and sag, causing us to lose that youthful, toned look. But what if we told you that there’s a way to regain your youthful appearance without resorting to injections or surgery? Enter triLift, the hottest new treatment in aesthetics, now available at Envy Skin Clinic.

What is triLift?

triLift is a revolutionary treatment developed by Lumenis, the facial aesthetic experts. Unlike other treatments that only address the surface of the skin, triLift delves deeper. It targets the root cause of facial aging – the muscles. This treatment stimulates the natural regeneration processes to tone the muscles, giving you a lifted, youthful look .Why Choose triLift?

Immediate, Visible Results

With triLift, the results are almost immediate. After just one session, you can expect to see a natural-looking improvement in your facial features. The treatment helps with saggy jawlines, stubborn wrinkles, and drooping cheeks by addressing all three key elements of aging: structure, contour, and texture.

No Downtime

Unlike surgical procedures, triLift requires zero downtime. Each session lasts about 30 minutes, and you can return to your daily activities immediately after. Some redness or swelling may occur, but these effects are temporary and usually subside within a few days.

Safe and Pleasant

triLift is a safe and pleasant treatment option. It uses a patented technology called Dynamic Muscle Stimulation (DMSt) that thickens and strengthens the dermal layer, increases natural volume, and evens out the texture of the epidermal layer.

However, it’s important to note that triLift is not suitable for patients with pacemakers, defibrillators, or any implanted electronic devices, as well as metal implants in the treatment area.

Why Envy Skin Clinic?

Envy Skin Clinic is committed to providing top-notch aesthetic treatments in a comfortable and welcoming environment. Our team of experienced professionals will work closely with you to create a personalized treatment plan that addresses your unique needs and concerns.

Rediscover your youthful glow and love what you see in the mirror with triLift at Envy Skin Clinic. Contact us today to schedule your first session!

Do Eye Creams Really Work?

An eye cream is a type of moisturizer designed specifically for the delicate skin around the eyes. It’s true that some people use a general face cream in this area, but others believe it requires extra care.

If you’re looking to add an eye cream to your beauty regimen, hydrating and moisturizing are two key features to seek out. But eye creams can do so much more. 

ENVY Skin Clinic is a medspa Bloomington are passionate about helping you make your skin the best it can look. Do eye creams really work? Here’s what the experts have to say.

What eye creams can do

Since the skin around your eyes is more delicate than the rest of your face, it’s no great surprise that this area is one of the first places to display the fine lines and wrinkles that come with getting older. But unlike the forehead or lips or cheeks that can withstand injections of Botox® or dermal fillers to smooth out the creases, the eye area can’t. Hence, the eye cream.

Since there are fewer oil glands in the undereye area, the skin is prone to drying out quickly, That means using a hydrating formula is incredibly important. 

Some experts believe the ideal eye moisturizer contains:

  • Humectants, such as hyaluronic acid and glycerin, bind water to skin.
  • Emollients, such as ceramides and fatty acids, help improve skin texture and appearance.
  • Occlusives, like beeswax and mineral oil, prevent water from evaporating through skin.

Since the benefits of these components are well-known, you’re likely to have an easy time finding an eye cream that contains them.

Eye creams can also reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles that occur from decreased collagen production — the protein that gives our skin strength and resilience — and sun or environmental damage.

To reduce fine lines and wrinkles, choose an eye cream with: 

  • Peptides: short amino acid chains that build collagen and hyaluronic acid
  • Retinol (a form of vitamin A): increases skin elasticity by speeding up cell turnover and collagen production
  • Vitamin C: an antioxidant to reduce signs of sun damage

Hydration can also temporarily reduce the appearance of fine lines. A 2017 study demonstrated an improvement in the skin 15 minutes after applying a hydrating cream, with the decrease in fine lines lasting for at least 56 days.

What eye creams can’t do

Eye creams are good at fine lines and wrinkles, but they can’t adequately address under eye puffiness. The results are temporary, and they require caffeine. If the creams contain a high concentration of caffeine, it constricts the blood vessels leading to the eye area and decreases puffiness.

A small 2009 study found that eye cream with caffeine helped minimize the appearance of wrinkles and smooth out the skin. 

Eye cream also can’t take away dark circles, which in many cases are genetic, but you have plenty of other options. The easiest is a tinted moisturizer. It provides the benefits of an eye cream while also acting as a concealer to hide dark circles. Longer-lasting solutions, such as chemical peels or lasers, involve talking with your doctor about what’s appropriate for you.

If you’re interested in getting started with an eye cream, we offer the SkinMedica line of products in-office or directly on our website. If you’d like to learn more about eye creams and what they have to offer, schedule a consultation with one of our providers. 

Say Goodbye to Damaged Skin with IPL Photofacial

What is IPL Photofacial or IPL Skin Rejuvenation?

A photofacial is a 30-minute procedure in which intense pulses of light are used to penetrate deep into the skin. IPL™ photorejuvenation then causes collagen and blood vessels below to constrict removing age spots, red spots, and other pigmentary anomalies. The procedure involves only minimal discomfort, while the redness and swelling that may last at most for 2-3 days. Benefits of a photofacial occur gradually in the weeks following treatment as the skin is transformed into a smoother and more even look.

Is a Photofacial Right for Me?

A photofacial is beneficial if you have any age spots, or reddish-brown spots on the skin.  These types of pigment spots are often seen with aging, sun-exposure, and with smoking.  The procedure requires a free consultation often with a test spot followed by a 30-minute treatment a few days later.  The procedure has no downtime making it convenient even with a busy schedule.

A photofacial can also improve skin texture, eliminating discolorations, reduce pore size, and minimize wrinkles. 

How does IPL Work?

During IPL™ photorejuvenation treatment, high energy light waves are used to reduce or eliminate many common effects of aging, including facial wrinkles and skin discolorations. IPL™ light also encourages the production of collagen, a natural protein that fills in wrinkles, making the skin smooth and supple. With each treatment, the results of IPL™ photorejuvenation become more pronounced. Five full-face IPL™ photofacial/fotofacial sessions spaced three weeks apart are normally required for optimal results.

What is the cost of a IPL Photofacial?

At ENVY Skin Clinic, we create a customized treatment plan based on your skin and your goals. So it is difficult to estimate the cost without understanding the number of treatments that you may require.